Case Study

“The quality of college golf is very high… and our players really like Clippd”

Words by
Marylou Mulflur
“The quality of college golf is very high… and our players really like Clippd”

Marylou Mulflur is one of the most respected figures in women’s golf. Head Coach of the University of Washington women’s team for more than 40 years, she has led her team to Nationals 10 times since 2000, the 2016 NCAA National Championship and has been named Pac-12 Coach of the Year on three occasions.

Women’s golf has improved enormously and I think a lot of that has to do with the college game. Some kids want to turn pro as soon as possible and I tell them that they can turn pro and spend $90,000 a year of their own money to play in tournaments, or they can come here, we'll pay for everything, and, by the way, they're going to get an education. On top of that, we'll take them to a dozen or so tournaments a year, all expenses paid.

The quality of players in college is very high. Look at the scores these guys are shooting now, it's unbelievable. When I first started, you needed one good player and a supporting cast. Then it was two. Now you have to be five or six deep. I think that's a direct result of Title IX and just the opportunities it has created.

Marylou (far right) with her 2006 National Championship-winning team

I would have loved to have coached baseball, but that was never allowed. Now you're starting to see this crossover in baseball, football, basketball. It's about talent, it's not about gender. 

You're starting to really see the respect that women are garnering as coaches at the professional level in male-dominated sports. It's not a big deal anymore. It's fun to sit back and watch and see how things are evolving for women. It's really exciting.

It's fun to sit back and watch and see how things are evolving for women.

Last season was our second year using Clippd. If I could say one thing about Clippd, it's the player interaction. They really like using it. 

It's one thing if coaches can look at the data, but when you have a place to comment on rounds or look at what to work on or quick wins, that’s so much better. We've seen our players engage more with that side of Clippd. They like getting that feedback from us in the app. 

Marylou is one of the most experienced coaches in college golf

One of the features that I really like is What To Work On, and especially the Quick Wins view. If we have a quick turnaround between tournaments, you can just sit down with a player and show them that they need to work on your 80 to 100 yard wedge shots or whatever it is. We can then set things up for them ahead of the next tournament.

Clippd has also been really receptive to the coaches. They listen to coaches when we say tweak this or if we need more emphasis on something. They’ve been very willing to step up and make changes. They’re constantly trying to improve what they offer us.

As a coach you appreciate that because things are ever evolving with our sport. I don’t know of other stats platforms that players like as much. Our girls go in and look at their stats and the comments we leave on their rounds and practice.

For us as coaches, Clippd is very clean. It's user friendly — and I'm not even a real data person or numbers guru!

I think that's really meaningful. It can be a starting point for discussions. We can ask whether they noticed something that Clippd has shown them and it’s really nice they go, ‘Yeah, I did. I was wondering, can we talk about that?’

For us as coaches, Clippd is very clean. It's user friendly and the information is presented in a way that's very easy for me to dissect. I can figure out that we've got this going on over here or that going on there — and I'm not even a real data person or numbers guru!

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